Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Shop List Update

Just a quick little update in the middle of what is turning out to be an incredibly busy week! I finally got around to a little update to the Ultimate Online Fabric Shopping List, and I'm trying something new! If you click on that link here, or on the tab up above you will see a bit of a different format. At the top of the page I have located the Modern Fabric Shops (where I, and many of my quilty friends shop), while the "Other" Fabric shops are just below that. Don't fret, I have not removed ANY of the shops, and I've actually added about 30 more to the list (imagine that)! 

So now I need your help. What do you think? Is this format more helpful and user friendly or would you rather just one giant list? Also, who am I missing? I know we all have our favorites, but we were taught to share, right?!? Remember, I also reference this list when tracking down sales every week so I would appreciate any help I can get. 

And because I can't resist a little fabric love, have you seen the new Metallic Pearl Bracelets? I never jumped on the original bandwagon, but there's something about the shine that is drawing me in. Somehow I must resist until March as I already spent February's fabric budget on some Catnap (more on that soon)

Screen grab from the wonderful Patterncrush Fabrics!

As always, thanks for reading!
Carly Ann

p.s. Up next, a bit of a blog redesign! Don't hold your breath though, the day job is killing my fun time! ;)

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